Monday, March 9, 2009


When the word spring comes to mind, what pops into your head? Baby birds? Allergies? Tornadoes? Tulips? Basketball?

Yes. And I'll add my favorite word to the mix: break. It's true, the final spring break of my life is now upon me. In 4 short days I'll be free of papers, ads, lab proctoring, studying, reading, and so on. (But I'll be honest - I have a lot of campaigns to work on since my midterm review for P3 is the Friday after SB09. Bummer.)

What am I doing for the big break? Ah, lots of fun stuff: I'll be attending a wedding shower for my sister thrown by some Muskogee family friends. I'm going to a stock-their-bar party for my sister and her fiance, Carl, thrown by her best friends. I'm throwing my sister her personal shower and bachelorette party in Tulsa with all her best friends coming. I'm also meeting with the marketing director for the new BOK Center in Tulsa, the director of the Spirit Bank Event Center in Tulsa, and hopefully a few folks in the Oklahoma City area.

I'll be busy, but at least I'll have a little break before the last few weeks of my time in college...ever. So, happy spring break 2009, everyone! Even if you don't get a break, take some time out of your workweek to enjoy the beautiful weather, the pretty flowers or the plethora of basketball on tv. And one final note, GO POKES!

1 comment:

vgrober said...

You know, if you have a family, you can schedule yourself for Spring Break vacations! I used to do that, you know :) So, don't be sad. Just promise yourself to take future Spring Breaks. And you can take me to the beach to babysit your kiddies while you and your hubs go out!!!