Monday, June 16, 2008

Jesus Frequency.

So, every once in a while a little something will come along and make my day (week, even) so enjoyable that I can't stand to not share it with everyone who reads. This letter came to my work at the McDonald Observatory, addressed to my boss, Rebecca, the editor of StarDate magazine and press officer for the McD Observatory. Allow me to replicate the beautifully-crafted letter, minus the yellow legal pad paper:

Dear Rebecca, Editor,

My name is Vernon H. I am an amateur scientific researcher. I would like to write an article titled; Light Travel Is Here!!!

I have taken Einstein's theory of light travel and applied it to practical usage. I am broadcasting to planets with inhabited life through my radio show, The Jesus Frequency.

I would like to explain how it works in an article to your readers. Please respond to my address below.

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