Monday, March 2, 2009


I guess you could say I had some interesting realizations recently.

I had an extremely heavy backpack. Inside was my MacBook Pro, it's powercord, mouse, two 200+ page books, my calendar and a spiral notebook. Not to mention the 80 pens and markers I have rattling around in there. This backpack was carted all over campus, giving my shoulders a tough day. The weight of this thing was becoming so daunting and painful I just had to sit, so I found myself on some stairs in front of a dinosaur museum on campus and got frustrated. I realized that I was just tired of school. Tired of my heavy backpack. Tired of projects taking up my evenings and weekends. Tired of it.

And yes, I've gotten the "Oh, no, you'll miss school so much when you leave," and yes, I think I would have absolutely missed school...if I had been done after only 4 years at Oklahoma State. But since I'm a kid who has had 6 years of straight college, I feel that my time has come to contribute to the working world. I've put in the time and effort to developing a comprehensive knowledge of both public relations and advertising - now is the time to put my brain to use in a challenging, new way. And I'm excited.

Since my backpack day I've filed for graduation, which passed - hooray! I also filed my taxes for the first time, which was a very interesting experience that included many phone calls to my dad for uncertain questions.

So, do all these events mean I'm getting older? Or more mature? Wiser?!?? It's tough to think that soon I'll be sitting in job (big-girl job) interviews rattling off my knowledge on the subject of advertising, music promotion, design, marketing, public relations, or screen printing. :) Soon I'll have my hands on a paycheck that doesn't require piggy bank backup. Soon I'll be an adult. Gasp!

Or will I soon realize that I should have applied to get my Ph.D?

1 comment:

Jeff Clark said...

You'll be fine. You're a tough cookie.

"Adult World" is different, but it's way funner (more fun?) in completely strange and awesome ways once you get the hang of it.