This past week was crazy. Lots of ads to do and even more theory research to do. Have I shared my research topic yet? I'm looking into weight loss programs and how these programs can more effectively target the female African American subculture...meaning, African American women, and men too, have more open ideas on what it means to be "attractive" and "thin." This culture doesn't want to be stick thin, like many Caucasian women tend to strive toward, so they are sometimes a little more overweight - and this is all right. This overweightness (that's not a word....) isn't looked down upon - instead you're seen as being "healthy" and not starving yourself to be a stick. So, how can weight loss programs keep this frame of thinking while developing advertising? Jenny Craig, the company I've been focusing on, has started this new focus with a campaign with Queen Latifah as a new spokesperson. Her message is to be "happy with your size" and to decide what's "healthy to you." Quite a new approach in the ad world. Mostly you'll hear "lose weight!" or "be thin!" I enjoy the change of pace - maybe JC has cracked the code on this subculture's way of thinking and, in turn, could grab more viewers and purchasers. Sweet.
So, ya, that's what I've been researching and thinking about. More on this later when I get feedback from my professor. Hopefully it's good feedback.
Friday was my midterm review for Portfolio 2, where I turned in the final concepts for my first two products: Wild Eyes Contacts and Veggie Wash. Tiffany, my Veggie partner, and I have a solid campaign and we're feeling really good about it. We're actually teaming up with a Radio, TV and Film student who will film our three TV spots for us - great for our portfolio and his as well. We're also working on some non-traditional ideas for grocery carts and handle wipes. I'll post those later. But for the Wild Eyes, my partner, Kelley, and I are finally getting the ball rolling on a good idea. I don't know if our executions for the midterm are where they need to be (probably not) but at least we have a thought of what we're going to do! That's a huge relief. I didn't think it was going to come to us until December when critique was 23 hours away...haha...oh man, that's the worst. But I'm really glad all this is over because now I can breathe and enjoy the nice weather outside. And drink cider. And play with little Mabel girl. So, I'm excited for this.
Oh, something very Martha of me - I've redesigned my resume and created an Excel spreadsheet to help me keep my possible job contacts organized. I've sent my resume out to a few folks in Denver, just in case Tulsa, OKC, or Austin don't happen. Oh yeah, I'm looking for jobs back in Oklahoma. I've got this strange pull to go back and share my learnings with my homestate. I'm not really sure if this is what I'm supposed to be doing, but so far it feels pretty good. I'm just nervous I'll get there and realize I'm not ready to be back home. This is my only hitch. Am I supposed to be back or am I supposed to keep my wings spread for a bit longer? Are there more interesting job prospects there or here in Austin or somewhere unthought of? What about C3? That place is so amazing. Are my contacts better in Oklahoma? Probably. Are there inspiring places to visit that will keep my creative mind churning? I hope. What if I get there and it's not what I hoped? (See? Sometimes I overanalyze my world.) But I try to keep the faith that it'll ALL work out. All of it. I also keep the idea that I looooove my family more than anything and I want to see them much more often. All 4 grandparents healthy as heck are reason enough to be back - I want to hang with them as much as I can. And my folks...they're excited for me and will support me with whatever path I take, but I know damn well that they'd love to have me back. And I don't mind that. And that I love my sister, who's about to be a married woman, and I think that we can meet up for dinners and brunch on Sunday mornings. And I miss Jeff more than...more than...anything. I'm ready to be back in the same freakin' zip code as him. And Millie. These things keep my wandering mind excited about this Oklahoma possibility. But I'm still nervous. And I just cried a bit.