Monday, July 21, 2008

Independent study.

I've been thinking about this coming semester and what I'm to do with my schedule. So far I'm enrolled to take Portfolio 2 and Theories. I obviously need another course, but I've been struggling with what to take and why. Until...

Today I talked with a good friend, Krystha, who just graduated from the program and who has a killer internship with an agency in NYC. We spoke about independent studies (she did one) and options for me - and she helped me come up with the idea of doing a study on the promotions and advertising that go into musicians - what works? What doesn't? What's a waste? And I think I'm gonna run with it. I've asked a favorite professor to be my guidance through this possibly eye-opening experience, so I hope she agrees! Do I want to mainly focus on MySpace music garbage, festival promotions, advertising at concerts, etc? Any ideas???

Plus, what a deal to be interning with C3 Presents - I could get some excellent interviews with management, musicians, etc. about what they deem worthy of advertising. My study would be in the format of a blog or video blog through YouTube shorts - something more creative than a paper. (But let's be honest - I LOVE writing papers more than any human, thanks G-ma!)

So, that's what I'm thinking...I have a LOT of details to nail down, but so far I really like where this could end up. I could even do some ACL references and research. Love? I think so!

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