Here are some things I'm working on before Thanksgiving Break...I'm so ready for tryptophan naps.
-Music Planbook for a local musician. I'm writing a pitch letter, press release, designing some handbills and working out their online press kit.
-Creative journal entries. I've still got some to work on before it's due Tuesday. 50 entries total. Whoo-wee!
-Strategic Advertising Management case study. We're working on a case study for "Saxonville Sausage Company." And since my
group got the best grade on the last one, we're stepping up our game to make sure we're still at the top. In other words, this is lots of work.
-Account planning final project. I'm designing the adverts for the Austin Farmers' Market for our group. I'm also in charge of creating videos for our presentation. We don't present until after Turkey Day, though, so I still have time!
So, that about does it. If I sleep a lot during the break, this is why! OK, back to work. Peace.